5.3. Simpson’s rule#
5.3.1. Simpson’s 1/3 rule#
The most basic Simpson’s rule is known as Simpson’s 1/3 rule (To see steps for the derivation of the following equation, please see [Burden and Faires, 2005].):
Introducing the step size \(\dfrac {b-a}{6}\), the above equation can be written as follows,
We can expand on the above rule and use the following 5 points instead,
Then, it follows from Figure \ref{fig5_14} that,
Now, assume that \(\{x_{0},x_{1},\ldots, x_{n}\}\) are \(n+1\) in \([a,b]\) such that \(n\) is an \textbf{even number} (\(n+1\)) is an odd number) and
and \(\{x_{0},x_{1},\ldots, x_{n}\}\) are equally distanced with \(h = \dfrac{b-a}{n}>0\),
The above approximation can be expanded as follows\footnote{the general form of 1/3 Simpson’s rule, sometimes, is also known as Composite Simpson’s 1/3 rule},
import numpy as np
def Simps(f, a, b, N):
f : function
DESCRIPTION. A function. Here we use lambda functions
a : float
DESCRIPTION. a is the left side of interval [a, b]
b : float
DESCRIPTION. b is the right side of interval [a, b]
N : int
DESCRIPTION. Number of xn points
S : float
DESCRIPTION. Numerical Integration of f(x) on [a,b]
through Simpson's rule
# discretizing [a,b] into N subintervals
# N must be an even integer
if N % 2 == 1:
raise ValueError("N is not an even integer.")
# the increment h
h = (b-a)/N
# discretizing [a,b] into N subintervals
x = np.linspace(a, b, N+1)
fn = f(x)
S = (h/3) * np.sum(fn[0:-1:2] + 4*fn[1::2] + fn[2::2])
return S
function [S] = Simps(f, a, b, N)
f : function
DESCRIPTION. A function. Here we use lambda functions
a : float
DESCRIPTION. a is the left side of interval [a, b]
b : float
DESCRIPTION. b is the right side of interval [a, b]
N : int
DESCRIPTION. Number of xn points
S : float
DESCRIPTION. Numerical Integration of f(x) on [a,b]
through Simpson's rule
% discretizing [a,b] into N subintervals
x = linspace(a, b, N+1);
% discretizing function f on [a,b]
fn = f(x);
% the increment \delta x
h = (b - a) / N;
% weights
% odd
% even
S =(h/3)*sum(fn.*w);
Example: Use the Simpson’s rule with \(n = 10\) and compute ${\displaystyle \int_{0}^{1} x^2, dx.}
Solution: Discretizing \([0,~1]\) using \(h = \dfrac{b-a}{n} = \dfrac{1 - 0}{10} = 0.1\),
and, we get,
Example: Use the Simpson’s rule with \(n = 4\) and compute \({\displaystyle \int_{0}^{1} 2\,{\mathrm{e}}^x\,\cos\left(x\right)\, dx}\). Also, calculate the absolute error using the exact value
Solution: Discretizing \([0,~1]\) using \(h = \dfrac{b-a}{n} = \dfrac{1 - 0}{4} = 0.25\),
and, we get,
Therefore, the absolute error:
import sys
import hd_tools as hd
def SimpsPlots(f, a, b, N, ax = False, CL = 'Tomato', EC = 'Blue', Font = False):
if not ax:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(8, 6))
x = np.linspace(a, b, N+1)
y = f(x)
X = np.linspace(a, b, (N**2)+1)
Y = f(X)
_ = ax.plot(X,Y)
for (x1, x2) in zip(x[:N:2], x[2:N+1:2]):
ax.fill([x1, x1, x2, x2], [0, f(x1), f(x2), 0], facecolor = CL,
edgecolor= EC,alpha=0.3, hatch='', linewidth=1.5)
x3 = x1 + (x2-x1)/2
_ = ax.scatter(x=x3, y = f(x3), color = EC)
if Font:
_ = ax.set_title("""Simpson's rule (N = %i)""" % N, fontproperties = Font, fontsize = 14)
_ = ax.set_title("""Simpson's rule (N = %i)""" % N, fontsize = 14)
_ = ax.set_xlim([min(x),max(x)])
_ = ax.set_ylim([0,max(y)])
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from IPython.display import display, Latex
from hd_Numerical_Integration_Algorithms import Simps
f = lambda x : 2* np.exp(x)* np.cos(x)
a =0
b= 1
N = 10
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols= 1, figsize=(16, 6))
Colors = ['Violet', 'Lime']
font = FontProperties()
_ = fig.suptitle("""Simpson's rule""", fontproperties=font, fontsize = 18)
SimpsPlots(f= f, a = a, b= b, N = N, ax = ax, CL = Colors[0])
Int_trapz = Simps(f= f, a = a, b= b, N = N)
txt = "\\frac {h}{3} \\sum _{i=1}^{%i}\\left[ f(x_{2i-2})+4f(x_{2i-1})+f(x_{2i})\\right] = %.4e"
display(Latex(txt % (N/2, Int_trapz)))
del Int_trapz
Example: Use the Simpson’s rule and compute \({\displaystyle\int_{0}^{\pi/4} \cos^2(x)\,dx}\) when
a. \(n = 10\)
b. \(n = 20\).
a. \(n = 10\)
\noindent Discretizing \([0,~\pi/4]\) using \(h = \dfrac{\pi}{40}\),
\noindent Now, we have,
b. \(n = 20\).
Similarly, discretizing \([0,~\pi/4]\) using \(h = \dfrac{\pi/4 - 0}{20} = \dfrac{\pi}{80}\),
and, we get,
import sys
import hd_tools as hd
def SimpsPlots(f, a, b, N, ax = False, CL = 'Tomato', EC = 'Blue', Font = False):
if not ax:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(8, 6))
x = np.linspace(a, b, N+1)
y = f(x)
X = np.linspace(a, b, (N**2)+1)
Y = f(X)
_ = ax.plot(X,Y)
for (x1, x2) in zip(x[:N:2], x[2:N+1:2]):
ax.fill([x1, x1, x2, x2], [0, f(x1), f(x2), 0], facecolor = CL,
edgecolor= EC,alpha=0.3, hatch='', linewidth=1.5)
x3 = x1 + (x2-x1)/2
_ = ax.scatter(x=x3, y = f(x3), color = EC)
if Font:
_ = ax.set_title("""Simpson's rule (N = %i)""" % N, fontproperties = Font, fontsize = 14)
_ = ax.set_title("""Simpson's rule (N = %i)""" % N, fontsize = 14)
_ = ax.set_xlim([min(x),max(x)])
_ = ax.set_ylim([0,max(y)])
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from IPython.display import display, Latex
from hd_Numerical_Integration_Algorithms import Simps
f = lambda x : np.cos(x)**2
a =0
b= np.pi/4
N = [10, 20]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=len(N), figsize=(16, 6))
ax = ax.ravel()
Colors = ['Violet', 'Lime']
font = FontProperties()
_ = fig.suptitle("""Simpson's rule""", fontproperties=font, fontsize = 18)
for i in range(len(ax)):
SimpsPlots(f= f, a = a, b= b, N = N[i], ax = ax[i], CL = Colors[i])
Int_trapz = Simps(f= f, a = a, b= b, N = N[i])
txt = "\\frac {h}{3} \\sum _{i=1}^{%i}\\left[ f(x_{2i-2})+4f(x_{2i-1})+f(x_{2i})\\right] = %.4e"
display(Latex(txt % (N[i]/2, Int_trapz)))
del Int_trapz
del i
If \(f\in C^{4}[a,b]\), the error for the Simpson’s 1/3 rule is bounded (in absolute value) by
for some \(\xi \in [a, b]\). Furthermore, if \(|f^{(4)}(x)|\leq L\)
Example: Assume that we want to use the Simpson’s 1/3 rule to approximate \({\displaystyle\int_{0}^{2} \frac{1}{1+x}\, dx}\). Find the smallest \(n\) for this estimation that produces an absolute error of less than \(5 \times 10^{-6}\). Then, evaluate \({\displaystyle\int_{0}^{2} \frac{1}{1+x}\, dx}\) using the Simpson’s 1/3 rule to verify the results.
we know that
To find the maximum of \(f^{(4)}(x)\) on \([0,2]\), it is clear that \(f^{(4)}(x)\) is a decreasing function on \([0,2]\) (why!?). Therefore,
It follows from solving the following the above inequality that
To test this the above \(n\), let \(n = 32\) (the smallest \hl{even} integer after 30.393).
import numpy as np
E = 5e-6
f = lambda x : 1/(x+1) # f(x)
f4 = lambda x : 24/((x + 1)**5); # f''''(x)
Exact = np.log(3) # Exact Int
a =0; b= 2;
x = np.linspace(a, b)
L = max(abs(f4(x)))
N = int(np.ceil(((L*((b-a)**5))/(180* E))**(1/4)))
if N%2 != 0:
N = N + 1
print('N = %i' % N)
S = Simps(f, a, b, N) # Simpson's Rule
Eh = abs(S - Exact)
print('Eh = %.4e' % Eh)
N = 32
Eh = 4.9770e-07
Thus, the absolute error here,
Example: Example: For
use Python/MATLAB show that the order of convergence for the Simpson’s rule is indeed 2 numerically!
Solution: To see the order of convergence of this method
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
h = [2**(-i) for i in range(3, 10)]
Cols = ['h', 'N', 'Eh']
Table = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros([len(h), len(Cols)], dtype = float), columns=Cols)
Table['h'] = h
Table['N'] = ((b-a)/Table['h']).astype(int)
for i in range(Table.shape[0]):
Table.loc[i, 'Eh'] = np.abs(Simps(f, a, b, Table['N'][i]) - Exact)
display(Table.style.set_properties(subset=['h', 'N'], **{'background-color': 'PaleGreen', 'color': 'Black',
'border-color': 'DarkGreen'}).format(dict(zip(Table.columns.tolist()[-3:], 3*["{:.4e}"]))))
hd.derivative_ConvergenceOrder(vecs = [Table['Eh'].values], labels = ["""Simpson's rule"""], xlabel = r"$$i$$",
ylabel = " E_{h_{i}} / E_{h_{i-1}}",
title = """Order of accuracy: Simpson's rule""",
legend_orientation = 'horizontal')
h | N | Eh | |
0 | 1.2500e-01 | 1.6000e+01 | 7.7540e-06 |
1 | 6.2500e-02 | 3.2000e+01 | 4.9770e-07 |
2 | 3.1250e-02 | 6.4000e+01 | 3.1323e-08 |
3 | 1.5625e-02 | 1.2800e+02 | 1.9611e-09 |
4 | 7.8125e-03 | 2.5600e+02 | 1.2263e-10 |
5 | 3.9062e-03 | 5.1200e+02 | 7.6648e-12 |
6 | 1.9531e-03 | 1.0240e+03 | 4.7895e-13 |
The following method can be seen as Newton-Cotes formula [Quarteroni, Sacco, and Saleri, 2010] of order 3!
5.3.2. Simpson’s 3/8 rule#
Simpson’s 3/8 rule, sometimes known as Simpson’s second rule, is another numerical integration approach established by Thomas Simpson. We have:
where \(h=\dfrac{b -a}{3}\).
Similarly, we can expand the above rule with two zones for an approximation of \({\displaystyle \int _{a}^{b}f(x)\,dx}\) as follows,
Then, it follows from Figure,
Now, assume that \(\{x_{0},x_{1},\ldots, x_{n}\}\) are \(n+1\) in \([a,b]\) such that \(n\) is a multiplications of 3 and
and \(\{x_{0},~x_{1},\ldots,~x_{n}\}\) are equally distanced with \(h = \dfrac{b-a}{n}>0\),
The above approximation can be expanded as follows\footnote{the general form of 3/8 Simpson’s rule, sometimes, is also known as Composite Simpson’s 3/8 rule},
import numpy as np
def Simps38(f, a, b, N):
f : function
DESCRIPTION. A function. Here we use lambda functions
a : float
DESCRIPTION. a is the left side of interval [a, b]
b : float
DESCRIPTION. b is the right side of interval [a, b]
N : int
DESCRIPTION. Number of xn points
S : float
DESCRIPTION. Numerical Integration of f(x) on [a,b]
through Simpson's 3/8 rule
# discretizing [a,b] into N subintervals
# N must be an even integer
if N % 3 != 0:
raise ValueError("N must be a multiplication of 3.")
# the increment h
h = (b-a)/N
# discretizing [a,b] into N subintervals
x = np.linspace(a, b, N+1)
# discretizing f(x)
fn = f(x)
# weights
w = np.ones_like(fn);
w[1:-1:3] = 3;
w[2:-1:3] = 3;
w[3:-1:3] = 2;
S =(3/8)*h*np.sum(fn*w);
return S
function [S] = Simps38(f, a, b, N)
f : function
DESCRIPTION. A function. Here we use lambda functions
a : float
DESCRIPTION. a is the left side of interval [a, b]
b : float
DESCRIPTION. b is the right side of interval [a, b]
N : int
DESCRIPTION. Number of xn points
S : float
DESCRIPTION. Numerical Integration of f(x) on [a,b]
through Simpson's 3/8 rule
% discretizing [a,b] into N subintervals
x = linspace(a, b, N+1);
% discretizing function f on [a,b]
fn = f(x);
% the increment \delta x
h = (b - a) / N;
n = N+1;
% weights
S =(3/8)*h*sum(fn.*w);
If \(f\in C^{4}[a,b]\), the error for the Simpson’s 3/8 rule is bounded (in absolute value) by \cite{esfandiari2017numerical}
for \(k\in \mathbb {N} _{0}\) and some \(\xi \in [a, b]\). Furthermore, if \(|f^{(4)}(x)|\leq L\)
The set of all natural numbers is denoted by \(\mathbb{N}\), and the set of natural numbers with zero is denoted by \(\mathbb{N}_{0}\).
Example: Use the Simpson’s 3/8 rule with \(n = 30\) and compute \({\displaystyle \int_{0}^{1} x^2\, dx.}\)
Discretizing \([0,~1]\) using \(h = \dfrac{b-a}{n} = \dfrac{1 - 0}{30} = \dfrac{1}{30}\),
and, we get,
Example: For the following integration,
use Python/MATLAB and show that the order of convergence for the Simpson’s 3/8 rule is indeed 4 numerically! Solution
from hd_Numerical_Integration_Algorithms import Simps38
f = lambda x: np.tanh(x +1)
a = 0; b = 2;
Exact = -2 - np.log(1 + np.exp(2)) + np.log(1 + np.exp(6))
N = [3*(2**i) for i in range(1, 8)]
Simps_list = []
for n in N:
S = Simps38(f = f, a = a, b = b, N = n)
Simps_list.append(abs(Exact - S))
Table = pd.DataFrame(data = {'h':[(b-a)/n for n in N], 'N':N, 'Eh': Simps_list})
display(Table.style.set_properties(subset=['h', 'N'], **{'background-color': 'PaleGreen', 'color': 'Black',
'border-color': 'DarkGreen'}).format(dict(zip(Table.columns.tolist()[-3:], 3*["{:.4e}"]))))
hd.derivative_ConvergenceOrder(vecs = [Table['Eh'].values], labels = ["""Simpson's rule"""], xlabel = r"$$i$$",
ylabel = " E_{h_{i}} / E_{h_{i-1}}",
title = """Order of accuracy: Simpson's rule""",
legend_orientation = 'horizontal')
h | N | Eh | |
0 | 3.3333e-01 | 6.0000e+00 | 1.1097e-04 |
1 | 1.6667e-01 | 1.2000e+01 | 5.9857e-06 |
2 | 8.3333e-02 | 2.4000e+01 | 3.5699e-07 |
3 | 4.1667e-02 | 4.8000e+01 | 2.2044e-08 |
4 | 2.0833e-02 | 9.6000e+01 | 1.3736e-09 |
5 | 1.0417e-02 | 1.9200e+02 | 8.5786e-11 |
6 | 5.2083e-03 | 3.8400e+02 | 5.3604e-12 |