1.9. Modules#

Modules in Python are files containing Python code. This code can consist of functions, classes, and variables. Modules serve as a convenient way to organize and reuse code across different parts of a program or between different programs. They help make complex programs more manageable and maintainable. There are several types of modules:

  • Built-in Modules: These are part of the Python Standard Library and come pre-installed with Python.

  • Third-party Modules: These can be installed from external repositories like the Python Package Index (PyPI).

  • User-defined Modules: These are created by the programmer to suit specific needs.

1.9.1. Importing Modules#

In Python, a module is a file containing Python statements and definitions, such as functions, classes, and variables. The import statement is used to bring a module’s content into your current script or interactive session, allowing you to use its functionalities.

One commonly used built-in module is the math module, which provides access to mathematical functions and constants. Other examples of built-in modules include sys for interacting with the interpreter, os for operating system functionality, and random for generating random numbers. Once a module is imported, its functions, classes, and variables can be accessed using the dot (.) notation.


import math  # Import the math module

# Use the sqrt function from the math module
result = math.sqrt(16)

# Print the result
print(result)  # Expected output: 4.0

In the example above, the math module is imported, and we use the sqrt function to find the square root of 16, which outputs 4.0.

1.9.2. Importing Specific Items from a Module#

In Python, you can import specific functions, classes, or variables from a module instead of the entire module. This is done using the from ... import ... syntax, which allows you to directly use the imported items without the module name prefix.


# Importing specific items from the math module
from math import pi, sin

# Directly using the imported items
print(pi)  # Outputs: 3.141592653589793
print(sin(pi / 2))  # Outputs: 1.0

In this example, pi and sin are imported from the math module, allowing us to use them directly in our code without the math. prefix.

1.9.3. Aliasing Modules for Convenience#

When importing modules in Python, you can assign them an alias using the as keyword. This alias is a shorthand name that you can use to refer to the module in your code, making it more concise and often easier to type.


# Importing the numpy module with an alias
import numpy as np

# Creating an array using the alias
array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])

# Displaying the array
print(array)  # Outputs: [1 2 3 4]
[1 2 3 4]

In the example above, the numpy module, which is commonly used for numerical operations, is aliased as np. This allows us to use np instead of numpy when calling functions from the module.

1.9.4. User-Defined Modules#

User-defined modules are custom Python files that you create. They function just like built-in or third-party modules, allowing you to modularize and reuse your code effectively. Creating a User-Defined Module#

To create a user-defined module, simply write your Python code in a new file. This file can contain functions, classes, and variables that you wish to use in other parts of your program.

Example (mymodule.py):

# This is mymodule.py, a user-defined module

# A function to greet someone
def greet(name):
    return f"Hello, {name}!"

# A function to add two numbers
def add(a, b):
    return a + b Importing and using the user-defined module:#

import mymodule

greeting = mymodule.greet("Alice")
print(greeting)  # Output: Hello, Alice!

sum_result = mymodule.add(5, 3)
print(sum_result)  # Output: 8
Hello, Alice!
8 Importing and Utilizing the Module#

After creating your module, you can import it into other Python scripts using the import statement, just as you would with any other module.

Example of Importing and Using mymodule:

# Importing the user-defined module
import mymodule

# Using the greet function from mymodule
greeting = mymodule.greet("Alice")
print(greeting)  # Outputs: Hello, Alice!

# Using the add function from mymodule
sum_result = mymodule.add(5, 3)
print(sum_result)  # Outputs: 8
Hello, Alice!

In this example, we’ve created a module named mymodule.py with two functions: greet and add. We then import mymodule in another script to use these functions.

1.9.5. Importing All Items from a Module#

In Python, you can import every item from a module using the from ... import * syntax. This allows you to use all functions, classes, and variables defined in the module directly in your code without prefixing them with the module name.


# Importing all items from the math module
from math import *

# Using sqrt and pi without the math module prefix
print(sqrt(16))  # Outputs: 4.0
print(pi)  # Outputs: 3.141592653589793

While this method is convenient, it’s generally not recommended. Importing everything from a module can lead to namespace pollution, which occurs when the imported items overwrite existing names in your code. It can also make your code less readable, as it’s not clear which module a function or variable comes from.

1.9.6. Understanding the Module Search Path#

When you import a module in Python, the interpreter follows a specific order to locate the module file. This search path is a list of directories that Python goes through to find the module you’re trying to import.

The search order is as follows:

  1. Current Directory: Python first looks in the directory where the running script is located or the current directory if you’re in an interactive shell.

  2. PYTHONPATH Directories: If the module isn’t found in the current directory, Python checks the directories listed in the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

  3. Standard Library Directories: Lastly, Python searches the directories where the standard library modules are installed.

The list of directories that Python searches is stored in the sys.path variable, which you can modify during runtime to include additional directories.


# Importing the sys module to access the sys.path variable
import sys

# Printing the list of directories in the module search path

This command will display the directories that Python searches when looking for modules, giving you insight into where your modules should be placed or where to look for installed modules.

1.9.7. Reloading Modules in Python#

In Python, once a module is imported, it’s typically not reloaded during the same session. This means that if you make changes to the module’s code, those changes won’t be reflected in your session without reloading the module. To address this, you can use the importlib.reload() function, which is particularly useful during the development process when you’re making frequent changes to your code.


# Importing the module you've created
import mymodule
# Importing the reload function from the importlib module
from importlib import reload

# Assume you've made changes to mymodule.py at this point

# Reloading the module to apply the changes

By using reload(mymodule), you can update the session with the latest version of mymodule without restarting the Python interpreter.