10.1. Fundamental Structure of Decision Trees#

Decision trees are hierarchical models that represent a sequence of decisions, leading to predictions or classifications. They have a tree-like structure, where each node represents a decision or a prediction, and each branch represents an outcome of the decision. The tree starts at the top with the root node, which contains the entire dataset, and branches down, ending with leaf nodes, which contain the final predictions or classifications. This structure reflects a step-by-step process of answering questions or evaluating conditions to arrive at an outcome.

10.1.1. Root Nodes, Internal Nodes, and Leaf Nodes#

A decision tree is composed of three types of nodes: root node, internal nodes, and leaf nodes. Each node represents a decision or a prediction based on the input features. The nodes are connected by branches, which represent the outcomes of the decisions. The structure of a decision tree reflects a step-by-step process of answering questions or evaluating conditions to arrive at an outcome.

Let’s go through the definitions and examples of these nodes:

  1. Root Node: The root node is the starting point of the decision tree. It contains the entire dataset and poses the first question or condition to split the data into subsets. The root node sets the tone for the subsequent decisions and branches in the tree.

Example: In a medical diagnosis context, the root node could ask, “Is the patient’s temperature above 38°C?” Based on the answer, the data splits into two subsets: one with high temperature and another with normal temperature. This split forms the basis for the subsequent tree structure, where further questions are asked to narrow down the diagnosis.

  1. Internal Nodes: Internal nodes are the decision points in the tree. They present questions or conditions about specific features to further split the data. They guide the data down different branches based on the answers or outcomes of the questions or conditions. Each internal node represents a feature and its associated condition, which determines the path that the data points will follow as they traverse the tree. Internal nodes play a crucial role in navigating through the decision-making process.

Example: Continuing with the medical diagnosis example, an internal node might ask, “Does the patient have a cough?” If the answer is “Yes,” the data proceeds down one branch, and if the answer is “No,” it goes down another. This split allows the model to consider various symptoms and their interactions in making an accurate diagnosis.


Fig. 10.1 An Example of Root Node and Internal Nodes#

  1. Leaf Nodes: Leaf nodes are the end points of the decision tree. They represent the final predictions or classifications that the tree makes. Each leaf node corresponds to a specific outcome, category, or numerical value. Once a data point reaches a leaf node, the prediction or classification associated with that leaf node becomes the final decision for that data point.

Example: As we progress in the medical diagnosis scenario, we arrive at the leaf nodes, which represent the final conclusions in the decision tree. For instance, a leaf node could correspond to the diagnosis ‘Common Cold’ if a patient’s symptoms match that specific outcome. Alternatively, another leaf node might correspond to the diagnosis ‘Influenza’ for a different set of symptoms. Each leaf node signifies a definitive decision or classification, and once a patient’s data reaches a leaf node, the corresponding diagnosis becomes the final determination for that case.

10.1.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Decision Trees#

Decision Trees (DTs) are a type of machine learning technique that can be used for both classification and regression tasks. They work by building a tree-like model where each internal node represents a test on an input feature, and each leaf node represents a predicted value or class. Decision trees aim to create simple and interpretable decision rules from the data, and they can approximate complex and nonlinear relationships using piecewise constant functions [James et al., 2023, scikit-learn Developers, 2023]. Advantages of Decision Trees:#

  • Interpretability: Decision trees are easy to understand and explain, and their structure can be visualized using diagrams or graphs.

  • Minimal Data Preparation: Decision trees do not require much data preprocessing, such as normalization, dummy encoding, or missing value imputation. However, some implementations, such as scikit-learn’s, may have some limitations for categorical features or incomplete data.

  • Efficiency: Decision trees are fast to train and predict, as the cost grows logarithmically with the size of the data.

  • Handling of Mixed Data: Decision trees can handle both numerical and categorical features, although some implementations, such as scikit-learn’s, may have some limitations for categorical features.

  • Multi-output Support: Decision trees can deal with problems that have multiple target variables, such as multi-label classification or multi-variate regression.

  • White Box Model: Decision trees are transparent and provide clear explanations for their predictions, unlike “black box” models such as neural networks.

  • Robustness: Decision trees can perform well even when the model assumptions are not exactly met by the data-generating process. Disadvantages of Decision Trees:#

  • Overfitting: Decision trees can fit the training data too closely, leading to poor generalization and high variance. Pruning and limiting the tree depth are some methods to prevent overfitting.

  • Instability: Decision trees can be sensitive to small changes in the data, resulting in different and inconsistent models. Ensemble methods, such as random forests, can reduce this instability by averaging over many trees.

  • Discontinuity: Decision trees make predictions using step functions, which are discontinuous and have jumps or breaks in their graph. This makes them unsuitable for extrapolation or interpolation.

  • Computational Complexity: Finding the optimal decision tree is a NP-hard problem, meaning that it is computationally intractable. Practical algorithms use heuristics, such as greedy search, to find locally optimal solutions. Ensemble methods can also overcome this complexity by combining simpler trees.

  • Difficulty with Complex Concepts: Decision trees may struggle to learn complex logical concepts, such as XOR, parity, or multiplexer, that require a large number of splits or nodes.

  • Bias in Imbalanced Data: Decision trees may produce biased models when the data is imbalanced, meaning that some classes are overrepresented or underrepresented. Balancing the data before training, such as using resampling or weighting, can mitigate this bias.