In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import sqlite3
import pymysql
import MySQLdb

In this article, we provide a summary of basic SQL Server commands and syntaxes. For the full tutorial please see SQL Server technical documentation. Since we are working on a Jupyter Notebook, all of SQL commands here complied through SQLite and PyMySQL.

Moreover, the following function can help us to mimic SQL Server Environment in this Jupyter notebook.

In [2]:
def mySQL(Syntax): return pd.read_sql_query(Syntax, connection)
Managing Tables

Let's create mydatabase.db, and enter the all-time top goal scorers of the premier from this website.

In [3]:
connection = sqlite3.connect('mydatabase.db')
cursor = connection.cursor()

Delete a Table

In [4]:
# Delete A Table If Exists
_ = cursor.execute("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Players""")

Creating a Table

A table can be created using the following syntax,

    Column1 Datatype,
    Column2 Datatype,
    Column3 Datatype,

To create Players table we can use the following SQL command

    First_Name VARCHAR(20), 
    Last_Name VARCHAR(30), 
    Nationality CHAR(10), 
    Goals INTEGER,
    Birth_Date DATE
In [5]:
# running that syntax
_ = cursor.execute("""
    First_Name VARCHAR(20), 
    Last_Name VARCHAR(30), 
    Nationality CHAR(10), 
    Goals INTEGER

Note that now, we have created a blank table.

In [6]:
mySQL("""select * from Players""")
Rank First_Name Last_Name Nationality Goals

Adding a column

This can be done using Alter function.

Alter Table MyTable
    Add Column_name Datatype
In [7]:
_ = cursor.execute("""
Alter Table Players
    Add Birth_Date DATE


In [8]:
mySQL("""select * from Players""")
Rank First_Name Last_Name Nationality Goals Birth_Date

Deleting a column

Alter Table MyTable
    Drop Column Column List

Renaming a column

Alter Table MyTable
  Rename PreviousName to NewName;

Rename Table

Alter Table MyTable
  Rename To NewTableName

Truncate Table

This command removed all data from a table

Truncate Table MyTable

Inserting a row

For example, to enter a row of a player data, we can use the following SQL syntax

INSERT INTO Players (Rank, First_Name, Last_Name, Nationality, Goals, Birth_Date)
    VALUES (Null, "Alan", "Shearer", "England", 260,"1970-08-13");
In [9]:
_ = cursor.execute(
"""INSERT INTO Players (Rank, First_Name, Last_Name, Nationality, Goals, Birth_Date)
    VALUES (Null, "Alan", "Shearer", "England", 260,"1970-08-13");"""

# Therefore
mySQL("""select * from Players""")
Rank First_Name Last_Name Nationality Goals Birth_Date
0 1 Alan Shearer England 260 1970-08-13

Inserting multiple rows

As you noticed, entering table rows by the previous command is not convenient, especially for entering a large number of rows. Therefore, we can enter the data as follows instead.

In [10]:
_ = cursor.execute("""
INSERT INTO Players (Rank, First_Name, Last_Name, Nationality, Goals, Birth_Date)
        (Null, "Wayne", "Rooney", "England", 208, "1985-10-24"),
        (Null, "Andrew", "Cole", "England", 187, "1971-10-15"),
        (Null, "Frank", "Lampard", "England", 177, "1978-06-20");""")
mySQL("""select * from Players""")
Rank First_Name Last_Name Nationality Goals Birth_Date
0 1 Alan Shearer England 260 1970-08-13
1 2 Wayne Rooney England 208 1985-10-24
2 3 Andrew Cole England 187 1971-10-15
3 4 Frank Lampard England 177 1978-06-20

Updating a table

Assume that we are going to enter the following row in our table.

Last Name First Name Nationality Goals Birthdate
Thierry Henry France 175 1977-08-17
In [11]:
_ = cursor.execute("""
INSERT INTO Players (Rank, First_Name, Last_Name, Nationality, Goals, Birth_Date)
    VALUES (Null, "Thierry", "Henry", "France", 180, "1977-08-17");
mySQL("""select * from Players""")
Rank First_Name Last_Name Nationality Goals Birth_Date
0 1 Alan Shearer England 260 1970-08-13
1 2 Wayne Rooney England 208 1985-10-24
2 3 Andrew Cole England 187 1971-10-15
3 4 Frank Lampard England 177 1978-06-20
4 5 Thierry Henry France 180 1977-08-17

However, the number of goals for Thierry Henry needs to be corrected to 175. Thus,

However, we entered another value by mistake for goal numbers.

Last Name First Name Nationality Goals Birthdate
Thierry Henry France 180 1977-08-17

In this case, we can update the table as follows

UPDATE Players
    SET goals =175
    WHERE Rank=5;
In [12]:
_ = cursor.execute("""
UPDATE Players
    SET goals =175
    WHERE Rank=5;

mySQL("""select * from Players""")
Rank First_Name Last_Name Nationality Goals Birth_Date
0 1 Alan Shearer England 260 1970-08-13
1 2 Wayne Rooney England 208 1985-10-24
2 3 Andrew Cole England 187 1971-10-15
3 4 Frank Lampard England 177 1978-06-20
4 5 Thierry Henry France 175 1977-08-17

Copying a Table


    Select * From Original_Table;
In [13]:
_ = cursor.execute("""
Create Table PlayersCopy As
    Select * From Players;


In [14]:
mySQL("""select * from PlayersCopy""")
Rank First_Name Last_Name Nationality Goals Birth_Date
0 1 Alan Shearer England 260 1970-08-13
1 2 Wayne Rooney England 208 1985-10-24
2 3 Andrew Cole England 187 1971-10-15
3 4 Frank Lampard England 177 1978-06-20
4 5 Thierry Henry France 175 1977-08-17

Deleting a row


Delete From MyTable
    Where Condition;

For example, to delete the last entered row, we can try

In [15]:
_ = cursor.execute("""
Delete From PlayersCopy
    Where Last_Name="Henry";

# Hence,
mySQL("""select * from PlayersCopy""")
Rank First_Name Last_Name Nationality Goals Birth_Date
0 1 Alan Shearer England 260 1970-08-13
1 2 Wayne Rooney England 208 1985-10-24
2 3 Andrew Cole England 187 1971-10-15
3 4 Frank Lampard England 177 1978-06-20

Deleting a table


Drop Table TableName;
In [16]:
_ = cursor.execute("""
Drop Table PlayersCopy
In [17]: